Change is as natural as the weather. We all change at times. The more aware we become of who we really are, the more we live in our Hearts rather than in our minds! Being in your Heart inspires you to change in a way that is unique to you: it is your Essence of Presence in the moment.
This heightened state of awareness:
- connects you with your Higher Self;
- ensures that you stay in the flow of your ever evolving Higher Self;
- enhances your ability to contribute in a creative and meaningful way;
- allows you to enjoy a life filled with peace, abundance and fulfillment; and
- brings you to a state of high vibration, freedom, joy and healing within.
With new ideas, stories, and tools for being free, joyful and at peace, here’s Catherine’s latest book just out with Balboa Press, Found Here https://www.balboapress.com/en/bookstore/bookdetails/804236-be-free-here-now and on Amazon and other major distributors: